G'N'R Chinese Democracy LP

I just bought one today at Best Buy ($19.99).on 180g. vinyl.
Only listened to two sides so far. Not impressed with the SQ. Anyone else had a chance?
I think some songs sound like the original GnR. The Blues to me sounds like it was a B-Side from the Use Your Illusion albums. Madagascar seems also like an extension of Use Your Illusion type songs. A lot of songs really are Axl letting loose with the stuff going on in his head. Better and Sorry come to mind. I know it has been denied but I still think Sorry is Axl's message to Slash.

IMO I think Chinese Democracy should have also been an Axl Rose solo release or one of those concept albums that a lot of bands puts out to break up the sound they are known for.

Still though I do like the new line-up of hired guns Axl has. (Pun intended) Especially Richard Fortus and Bumblefoot. I do miss Buckethead. I know he is weird and his gimmick often frowned upon but man could that guy play precise and fast.
can it be any worse or more bombastic than use your illusions? cmon ...orchestras, keyboards,....videos with dolphins and helicopters...kind of like seaworld and a bad elton john cover band...pass
Hi Phasecorrect

There were no official videos from ChiDem so no Axl swimming with dolphins. Of all the GnR songs the one I just could never like no matter how hard I tried was Estranged.

Anyway on ChiDem there is one song that you may consider bombastic but it is actually, I think, one of the best songs on the album. There Was a Time

Lots of stuff going on in the song. I especially like all the guitar solos.