AC/DC Black ice

Well, there been three important releases in recent weeks:
Metallica "Death Magnetic"; Guns N' Roses "Chinese Democracy" and AC/DC "Black Ice".
I posted on the first two, and now just completed my first listen of the "Black Ice".
What a huge difference!!!
The best AC/DC in ages: unmistakable feeling of inspiration and spontaneity, all 15 tracks are done on a single breath, and not a single bad one.
Absolutely impeccable sense of rhytm and melody, if you will.
Music is stripped down to it's bare essentials, as truly great rock supposed to be like, IMHO.
There is nothing there, that detracts from the musical message, not a single slow down, no annoying moments whatsoever.
I have to give it to Angus and Malcolm, who wrote all the tracks- they are some of greatest R&R songwriters ever.
honest and inspired album.
What a stark difference with the other two- Metallica is pretty much unlistenable, very tiresome and calculated.
If I had to sum it up:
Metallica- FINISHED!
Axl is a pompous, pretentious ass
AC/DC- outstanding!
P.S. AC/DC recording quality- miles ahead of the other two
Sweet. I have good tickets for the ATL show on Dec 16th. I'll buy it this weekend.
Despite it sounding like AC/DC (not a big surprise, huh!), it does sound unforced and spontaneous, with a natural flow. Can't say the same about Death Magnetic- it does sound forced to me. And that is the fundamental difference.
I couldn't sit through the whole album (Metallica, after two-three tracks it becomes tiresome, and in contrast, listening to 15 tracks of "Black Ice" at once was very enjoyable.
I guess, this subjective personal experience makes all the difference.
P.S. AC/DC recording quality- miles ahead of the other two

AC/DC used ATC for years. Black Ice was done in Vancouver The Warehouse - and the main monitors use ATC midrange. You don't get overly compressed sound from artists like this - you can google The Warehouse Studio - I think they have tickets for AC/DC. The latest Nickelback was done there too - it will be interesting to see if this Nickelback is overcompressed like the last one - I am hoping it will be better.
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Would mostly agree with your statement. I think new Metallica is just ok...It kind of makes you wonder what direction, if any, they will go next. They really haven't come out with anything great in 10 yrs...