RUSH Snakes and Arrows DVD Live

Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to view this new concert video. The sound is incredible, they did an excellent job on the mix. The video quality is top notch. But what can I say it is Rush and that pretty much guarantees perfection every time.
I can not believe you have the 2112 numbered version of this. You lucky duck!! Hold on to that one it will be worth as much as 0001 some day if not more...

I have all the mofi gold cds, not sure if you had a chance to check out my little theater but it is a total dedication to rush.
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The pics are all custom made here locally for me. I have taken posters and did whats called a canvas transfer. The Test for Echo on was a promo poster I got when the album came out from a record store. The other TFE was one I actually tore off the hoarding down town Vancouver when I was walking back from the concert.

I believe the 2112 print is still available here, I would have to check though.

I have the three mofi's Moving Pics Signals and 2112. As well I have the new permanent waves mofi on cd and vinyl.
Picked this up yesterday. The band continues to improve the sound quality of their DVD's. I watched it twice last night. S&A's is the best studio album they have come out with in 10yrs. Back to basics. After, I threw in the Exit...Left DVD to bring me back in time....You can never have too much RUSH.. A true band, over thirty yrs together and a catalog of work that most bands of today could never dream of accomplishing!
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