Rock: well recorded bass...60s/70s

whatz up with bass on most rock recordings? is it that hard to get a decent bass sound? must most bass sounds are either a)muddy or b)razor thin...however the bass I found on Santana Abraxas is outstanding though...very dimensional...with a reach out and touch quality...any other recordings that might have this quality?
Bongofury and PDN,


There will be no more digital medium meaning all digital music will be stored, purchased and transmitted over fiber and never having to insert anything again, weather cd, blue ray, sacd, hdcd or ZZZVVGG (made up ).


Dropping a needle and play!, Long Live Analog

Although watching a nice Concert on DVD or Blueray on a sweet two channel set up is awesome.

It’s strange they never tried to improve analog like they do digital I guess the room for improvement wasn’t there as compared to digital.

I am a fan of both formats, although I am not a big IPOD guy even though I have one its nice not to have my cd collection all over my car  but your bit rate I my opinion should be no less than 256. I sacrifice space.

Anyone agree or disagree, or another point of view is welcome.
looks like i have a few supporters on my side! Buy hey...this is a highly subjective hobbie...agree with Goldenear...mixing bass straight into board bad idea...never been too sold on Glyn johns bass find too loose and ill-defined
>>12-05-08: Phasecorrect
looks like i have a few supporters on my side<<

Please list them.
thanks to all that responded...happy afraid im 2 used 2 audiophile bass from this era(fleetwood mac,queen,rush)...