ArkivMusic Cds any takers?

Im interested have any members of Audiogon purchased Cds from ArkivMusic and what they think? I see there prices are not cheap so I am wondering how they stack up to the original Cds there burnt from. Are they the same, better or less in the sound dept?
>how they stack up to the original Cds there burnt from

Huh? What are you talking about?
Drubin have you bought any Cds from them? Have you noticed they are all reissued from well known labels and artist.I am asking how their Cds are made, are they burnt Cds or taken from a PC download. They all come with art work but no info at all. I am just curious about the sound and how they STACK UP to the original commercial Cds?
I have one or maybe two. The one that comes to mind (I think) is a Bruckner Te Deum by Eugen Jochum. The recording quality is pretty good for the date of the original recording. I do not have the original to compare it to. Since the driver for ArchiveMusic is to make available to the public out of print recordings of exceptional performances, its going to be hard to find anyone who has both the original and the Archive copy. I can say I was very happy with the quality on the one that comes to mind.
Brownsfan thank you for your input. I was wondering about comparisons with the ArkivMusic Cd and original commercial issued Cd.
I had no idea. But only some of what they sell are reissues. Much of the catalog is current, right?