Schipo, while I agree with you in the idea of hunting down the original CD pressing, there is something to be said for convenience and being able to get the CD you are looking for in a one stop shopping experience, which is what Arkiv offers. I have used them on more than one occassion to find something that was either new to me or a better version than I had. Is it worth a bit more to get it done, maybe, for me, getting the music comes first>
As I am still working my way through cleaning about an 800 LP gift collection, about half way there, CD's are not on my list of things to buy as a rule these days, but prior to this gift Arkiv was my favorite both for ease and accessiablity.
As I am still working my way through cleaning about an 800 LP gift collection, about half way there, CD's are not on my list of things to buy as a rule these days, but prior to this gift Arkiv was my favorite both for ease and accessiablity.