Who was your first

What was the first jazz artist that got you hooked on jazz? I was in a high end audio store and the salesperson put on Dianna Krall All or nothing at all on a pair of B&W's and ever since then I was hooked. And that is what led me down this never ending audio addiction.
When I was a teenager my mom owned Billy Joel's album 52nd street. In the song Zanzibar, Freddie Hubbard blows a trumpet solo that, when I first heard it, I listened to over and over. I decided then and there that I liked this jazz stuff. Freddie Hubbard is a long way down on my list of jazz favorites, but I cannot deny that his Zanzibar solo truly was the gateway drug for me.

I can take or leave "Feels So Good" these days though it was a big breakthrough hit for the guy back in the 70's.

The Mangione album I still own, play with some regularity and really enjoy is "Tarantella".
Does "Chicago" count?

How about "Blood Sweat and Tears"?.

Didn't a lot of folks get first exposure to some finer and more accessible elements of Jazz through these guys?
Your examples are not Jazz in its strict sense and what are "fine and more accessible elements" of Jazz? To me, Jazz is essentially "black music" and for sociological reasons alone, think of Mingus, Parker, Miles, it is not necessarily intended to sound "fine" but rather "dirty" and is essentially, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, a musical answer to the social ostracism suffered by the Afro-American community in the heyday of Jazz. Black musicians will tell you, that later this music was "stolen" from them by and became mainstream. Just to add to what Cwlondon said above.