Who was your first

What was the first jazz artist that got you hooked on jazz? I was in a high end audio store and the salesperson put on Dianna Krall All or nothing at all on a pair of B&W's and ever since then I was hooked. And that is what led me down this never ending audio addiction.
Dave Brubeck was the first jazz I heard on my parents' stereo. It was the only jazz album they had as far as I know. I must have played the record (Time Out) 5 times the first day I heard it, and that many times a day for the next week. Guess I broke the '24hr rule.'
bill evans at the village vanguard
i must have listened to jazz for over a decade before i really thought of it as a genre. as a child i suppose i thought jazz was dixie land rags. i probably had to hear gracan moncur III or eric dolphy before i knew what i was listening to was jazz.i listened to music i found difficult and unlikeable to my tastes. now they are basically my tastes.i love jazz. i started by accident and effort with bill evans, sunday at the village vanguard. 6/25/61. i can't even get the date out of my head!
Same as T_bone, Brubeck,but I heard it on my parents radio-stereo combo (and old Fisher). What struck me were the time signature changes, as well as the sound of the combo.--Mrmitch