man do I miss Tower records and

Man Do I miss Tower records and most of all their Annex. I would have dinner and after take a walk to their annex where there were thousands of Lps and Cd cutouts, and just so much more for the eyes and ears. I would stay there for hours until closing around 11pm finding so much, and now it's just an empty store. Anyone in NYC know of a place that is open much later then usual or should I just realize that does days are now over.
Cant' be giving this away, the bean counters must have conjured up this scenario already. I'm Sony/BMG and I want to eliminate all sharing of profits. If I can deliver my product without supporting manufacture of physical product, I don't need to package and transport it. I kill support through print ad and radio marketing relying only on the web. No physical properties such as CD stores are necessary, I've captured all revenues save for what I must pay the artist.

I deliver all content as downloads, give an option of album art download at a slightly higher price, it can be printed on an inkjet, then cook the books showing fewer downloads than were actual to the artist for percentage. It's dark, sterile and magical to corporate.

Remember, you saw it here first.
Tower was killed 99 cents at a time. Downloaded music was the major reason Tower closed up shop and this generation has itself to blame. They really could care less as long as they get their music, but think about this for a moment: When vinyl was the predominent medium people did not have the luxury to skip tracks with a remote control so one would be more likley to listen to the whole song they didn't care for, but then grew to love. Artwork was beautiful. Liner notes were bigger and easier to read therfore educating people about the recording session, who the artists played with, etc. Then the cd came and added the convinience of skipping a track you didn't like before it had a chance to grow on you. Liner notes are smaller which may not be as inviting to read, thereby keeping the user uninformed. Now with ipods people may not get any cover art or notes about the ablum at all.

Conviniece is causing the "dumbing down" of society.

This generation may not know it right now, but 20 or 30 years from now people won't remember the name of their favorite song, they'll just know it as track #3.
One more thing. The guy in Indy who had to close down his vinyl shop listed high gas prices as one of the reasons people stoped going to the store. Oh my god, give me a break. Does he really believe that high gas prices are one reason people are not buying vinyl??????
Yes sad... I remember the days after a concert at The Bottom Line I would walk around the corner and walk into Tower, walk upstairs to the Jazz section and peruse for an hour or so...
Remember the days when a new album was propped up by the counter with the 'now playing' sign, and it was playing over the speakers, sometimes you would buy on a whim, that is how you would sometimes find out about new music. That and late night aor stations. "Those days are gone forever, oh such a long time ago, oh yeah..."
I agree with Devilboy completely with his assessment of this so called generation,when it comes to music. This generation for what I see is slovenly,rude and crude also very ill mannered. I can't say how many times I go out to dinner and looking at this new generation I say to myself, don't you own any descent clean clothes or do they even shine their shoes? Instead we get hats on backwards with dirty feet in flip flops. So if you don't care about your own self when comes to cleanliness, why care about anything else Maybe I am being a little to harsh with them. Because when I do go to the Met I am seeing more young people. Unfortunately still in the same dirty jeans and hats on backwards,but at least their attending. Well back to the topic. I am hoping that stores like Academy records and Cd's and numerous place's that I peruse will be there for the long time coming.