RIP Freddie Hubbard

Maybe there's already a thread on this, but Freddie Hubbard died a few days ago. Now that's sad. That guy played beautiful, versatile trumpet on an astonishing number of the most memorable jazz records ever. Personally, The Quintet, VSOP Columbia C2 34976 -- with Hancock, Shorter, Williams and Carter -- more or less defined jazz for me and is still a-go too album for pure jazz pleasure.

Sad day -- but the bright side? -- there are still many many bright sides to hear from this well recorded giant of jazz trumpet.
Loved Freddie, and sorry to hear of his passing...though if we're to believe, he's in the musical kingdom...
One of my favs. Unfortunately I caught his show at the Catalina club last spring. He was obviously ill and couldn't play a note. Very sad all around.
RIP Freddie. I have lots of his records. Red Clay has to be my favorite. I got to see him live in Milwaukee in the 70's at a small jazz venue called Teddys.
In some recordings I preferred Freddie Hubbard's style of playing the trumpet over Miles' style. Miles is the best and my favorite, but Freddie blew so hard and great sometimes that it was impossible not to compare him favorably to the greatest. Rest in peace!