Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?

Try as I might -- and I have tried very hard -- I just don't get the "genius" of this album. I know that George Martin said that Sgt Pepper would have never happened without Pet Sounds, but I don't think the two are even in the same league. What am I missing?
Pet Sounds was the Beach Boys answer to Rubber Soul. In turn
the Beatles were very impressed with Pet Sounds and it was an influence for SPLHCB. I like both albums but neither is my favorite work by either group.
God Only Knows may be the most beautiful ballad of the rock era. Sloop John B, Wouldn't It Be Nice, et al. are flat out great songs. It's hard to understand what you don't understand. The record holds a special historical place because the "sonic palate" inspired the Beatles (as noted above), but even putting that aside, the songcraft is pretty self evident. I guess, you either get it or you don't.

BTW, in the same vein, I don't "get" Hendrix. I understand his music, and appreciate his contribution in the abstract, but I just don't love it. In this instance, I just don't "get it". So, join the club.


Pet Sounds has some great songs but I don't consider it a great album.
If you don't "get" Hendrix, you haven't heard it under the right "circumstances". Rock on.
The album is very good and I suppose overrated; personally I prefer "Surfin USA" and "Surfer Girl".

However, it's a marvelous showcase for Brian Wilson's production and vocal arranging skills.

That is the "genius" of the album IMO.