Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?

Try as I might -- and I have tried very hard -- I just don't get the "genius" of this album. I know that George Martin said that Sgt Pepper would have never happened without Pet Sounds, but I don't think the two are even in the same league. What am I missing?
"What am I missing?" Well, for starters - just how old are you? If you weren't around then that explains a lot...

We're all a product of our experience, and the collective wisdom that identified this as one of the greatest all lived through that era. Narrod and Rar1 give a hint of some of the reasons - the Beach Boys were practically the major competitors in the U.S. to the Beatles (and Stones, maybe). They sounded like nothing else around (at the time...) and this did provide a significant spark for Dr. Pepper's.

Once you've heard so much that's been produced since that time then Pet Sounds may not seem like all that much - until you step back and realize that so much of what followed is often quite derivative in some way. This was such a change (as Jaybo noted) from the norm at that time that even many fans of the most popular group in the U.S. didn't get it nor buy it. It was just those guys like the Beatles, etc. who were knocked out by Pet Sounds and the rest has become history...
It took me many years before I began to "get" the Beach Boys and what Wilson contributed to pop music. One thing I will say for Brian and the Boys was that as a kid growing up in Marshfield, MA in the summer of 1965, hearing their music about Southern California on the family station wagon radio "transported" me there and when I finally got to visit that part of the country my expectations, based on that music alone, were right on.

That is the the power of great songwriting.
Never. Concur w/ above, the album was envisioned as a complete work and enabled Brian to showcase his vocal arranging, production skills. One must closely listen to the many 'layers' of harmony...
The Beach Boys are the greatest American rock band of all time, ranking only behind The Beatles and The Rolling Stones in terms of influence on rock/pop music. Pet Sounds is their defining genius. This is timeless music, sounding as fresh today as it did 40 years ago. I love you Brian, rest in peace Carl and Dennis.
"country my expectations, based on that music alone, were right on."

Agreed, even though they didn't grow up near the beach and didn't surf. The harmonies were incredible and unlike anything being heard at that time.