Bruce at The Super Bowl....

I thought he was great. The song selection, energy and showmanship all first rate. It had a carnival, circus vibe going on. Appropriate for the venue I think.
Sorry. He should have retired on top. Use to be the real thing. Loved him when he was coming up. I was working in NYC + living NJ then. Saw him at local bars in Hoboken and Jersy City. Now it's all showmanship. And quite poor showmanship at that. Rock 'n Roll and B.S. had parted ways some time ago. That's my belief. You're entitled to yours.

I just couldn't watch too much of him at the S.B. He's too far gone from rock 'n roll... .
I hope his new album is mixed better than Magic; Magic is the worst sounding vinyl LP I have ever purchased! Be warned!
Always give Bruce credit. He saved what was left of Rock when disco and the Stones could only shake a booty.
Long live THE BOSS!
Next stop...your local county fairs. Just kidding, but not Bruce at his best. He is starting to remind me of an ex-Packer QB who should just fade away. Where is the shame of going out on top?
I thought it was a good show. He gave the people what they wanted to see. Sorry the rest of you didn't like it.

It didn't matter if he couldn't hit the high notes anymore. I can't hear them anyway! :)