Best Nancy Wilson CDs

I like Nancy Wilson....what do you think are her best albums?
I would also like to recommend her "Turned to Blue" project. The quality of the sound is above average and her singing is excellent.

If you like Nancy, check out Dinah Washington. You may never listen to Nancy again. :-)

I checked out a bunch of Nancy Wilson LPs (10 or so) about a year ago, although I was completely new to her and relatively new to this type of music. The Cannonball Adderly LP really stood out (I have the CD as well). I also very much enjoy another of her early records, The Swinging's Mutual w/Gearge Shearing (not sure if CD is available...but probably is). I ended up trading in most of the rest, as I thought she went downhill later on. Later Nancy Wilson may be better to collect on CD, as lots of filler on the albums, but often a few great songs.
Thanks to all. And I agree as to Dinah Washington....I think I have nearly every lp/cd she ever made. Nancy is just different from Sarah, Ella...etc. and I have learned to enjoy that difference.
Ella...IMHO, in a different category--both great singers, but Ella had something I can't quite put my finger on. She had that amazing voice, sort of indescribable like Nat Cole. They set the bar!