The Best CDs to Give as Presents

Here is a great idea: instead of bringing yet another bottle of wine to someone's dinner party.....

What CDs do you nominate to give as a present where:

a) There is at least a chance they wouldn't have it already


b) For any particular genre of music, both artist and performance could please a discriminating audience.

c) As usual EXTRA CREDIT! for good recordings!

Of course, you should stick to the wine and/or flowers for your audiophile friends who already have 10,000 CDs....

But hopefully this might grow into a useful list for normal music appreciating friends, family and business associates.

I have had some success with Vince Guaraldi for Christmas stocking stuffers and Patricia Barber for non audiophiles who like jazz.

This thread was inspired by my need to give some "classical" music to a friend who is a patron of the NY Philharmonic, but I otherwise have no idea regarding his tastes or collection.

Should recent reissues or remasters also be included?

Thank you and hope this is interesting for others.
Post removed 
I've given Moody Blues - Strange Times at Christmas gift exhanges + such, at least to those over 30 say.


Its an all around great package, great sound and songs and production with lyrics and themes that I believe many can relate to in a positive way.
joni mitchell live shadows and light .exc.recording and overall superb playing by great musicians..check it out. double cd...
a) 'I think I'll quit drinking today' by Michael & the Messengers;

b)The audience would be very discriminating as most of my friends drink to much of the laughing juice;

c)They would not really care if the recording is good sadly as they are usually to sloshed and out of it to even notice.

The thought was there though.