Who's your guitar daddy now?

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Unoear - Andres Segovia was the great teacher and advocate for guitar music but as a performer lacked technique a little. It is not only Segovia but many musicians and instruments. Technical perfection today is beyond believe. Conlon Nancarrow wrote music for pianola that was impossible to play by pianist - not only because of speed but also strange (breaking fingers) changes. I heard that today some pianist can do it. David Russell plays extremely difficult pieces and I cannot hear single squeak. When I listened to old Segovia recordings I can hear squeaks and dull notes often (same for other guitarists' older recordings). It doesn't change the fact that Segovia played beautifully.
Oh, there are so many great rock and blues guitarists. But I think in the end Al Di Meola is my 'guitar daddy'. He's just amazing!
Top 3 Dead Guitar Daddies because I can't choose just one...

Jimi Hendrix
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Duane Allman

Living Guitar Daddy

Warren Haynes