best vocal harmonies in rock

What r'n'r artists (or records) feature great vocal harmonies? To keep the list more manageable, let's stay with the post doo-wop period. Brian Wilson/Beach Boys, Todd Rundgren/Utopia and Lindsey Buckingham/Fleetwood Mac -among others- all qualify in my book. Who do you like?

Beach Boys
Everly Brothers
Crosty Stills, Nash Everly Brothers
Pointer Sisters (Rock?)
Friends of Distinction (Rock?)
New Riders of the Purple Sage

are among my a few of my favorites

And then there is Motown (little mentioned on this site, wonder why, no Motown fans?)

Marvin Gaye and Tami Terrell
The Four Tops
Martha and the Vandellas

Earth Wind and Fire

I really don't care what the genre, I love listening to groups harmonize.