Fleetwood Mac Staples LA

This was my first arena concert in over 2 decades - I just don't do 'em. But, I'm a big Lindsey Buckingham fan, my wife know the tunes, and...off we go. A few thoughts:

The sound was surprisingly good (or, at least, not that bad). Loud, but not crushing. The wall behind the band was damped from floor to (maybe 100+') ceiling. I was expecting much, much worse.

This is a hits show. They covered almost all of them and threw in some Stevie Nicks and LB solo stuff as well. They even threw in a Peter Green chestnut for the old timers. In all, hard to complain about the set list.

There were 2 issues, however. The format largely took the guitar out of LB's hands. Even his 2 extended solos were shorter than those on the last Mac live record. For the audience as a whole (was anyone under 40? or 50? - for the record, I'm not either), this may have been a good call but I found it a little disappointing. He did get to show off a bit, though. I've never seen a right handed lead guitarist get more from a guitar with his right hand than does LB.

The other issue was pace. LB's songs and Nicks' songs are just so different that it was like 2 shows. I preferred the LB show, but I understand why some would go the other way. She can still sing and the tunes are hummable. The problem was the order of the songs. 1 or 2 from LB then 1 or 2 from Stevie. There was no continuity.

The band just tore through "Second Hand News" and "Tusk" and had the roof rattling. Then, they dialed it way back for a couple of Stevie's mid-tempo jobs. I think they would have been better served to do a mini-set (6 or 7 straight) by each. Just MHO.

BTW, the wife LOVED it!

Definitely worth catching despite the caveats above.


Good call on "Oh Well" - right you are. They did a great job with
it, too. It was fun to hear LB's take on Green's leads which extensively
"quoted" him while not precisely copying him - IIRC.

Is Christie McVie touring with them ? ....I heard she passed which in my opinion creates a huge musical void with this band and and their sound ...she did write and sing some good stuff with them.
Christine McVie was NOT with them. The article I read said that she was and always has been invited, but she's "done" with all of this music business stuff.

There was a rumor that Sheryl Crow was offered a spot on the team, but turned them down.