The Better My System Gets....

....the less live music shows I seem to be attending. I live in the NY Metro area and used to go to live shows all the time. But I'm doing it much less frequently these days and think two things are at work. First, I've been upgrading my system over the past two years and am now getting some pretty serious sound right here in my living room. Second, I'm finding that unless the venue and the sound crew are optimal, I'm hearing some pretty bad sound at a lot of live shows. I've sworn off large stadium-like venues for years now because the music is really secondary to the spectacle and chances are the sound is going to be really bad. But even smaller venues these days tend to get it wrong more often than right. Combine this with crowds that are often noisy (Does anybody go to hear the music anymore? Why do people insist on trying to talk over the music? Aren't there better places to mix and mingle?) packed rooms without seats, expensive drinks, ETC and I find myself more inclined to listening at home rather than out. We have some small local venues that do a pretty good job and the crowd is older and more respectful of the musicians so this can be viable alternative to listening at home. And, of course, classical and chamber music presented live in a proper room is still superior to what I can reproduce at home and so I go to quite a few of these performances but more and more I'm passing on a lot of shows because I often get more out of cranking up my home system that going out to hear live music performed in less than ideal conditions. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?
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Have to agree with Tvad. If sound quality is there at a live show it is an added bonus. The one thing I wish we still had in my area was the up and coming bands we use to enjoy at the bars. The spectacle of large venues back in the 70's and 80's were memorable and some did sound quite good....or was it the libations that caused that..... can't remember so I guess I am getting old. Cheers
Over the past few years I've been noticing the disynchrony of increasing amounts of text messaging and buzzy bar talk at club venues. It got to the point at one gig where Lou Reed improvised a comment into his lyrics something like "why not just keep on talking and never bothering to connect." The audience-- at least the audience for rock music-- seems to be increasingly out of touch with live experience-- which is dispiriting both at concerts and in a larger sense. In some ways the best way to connect with a performer without distractions is in the comfort of one's listening room.
All of the above. I'm increasingly disappointed in live shows these days. More often than not the sound is poor, crowds are becoming more ill-mannered, half the audience is yapping on the phone, etc. I'm sure getting older is part of it, but the definitions of socially acceptabe behavior have changed as well. Except for sporting events, where noise is actually a good thing, I try to avoid crowds these days.
It sure is nice to have the option of live vs. fine home stereo. In many ways we truly live better than princes past. -Lars-