Noisy vinyl from Classic Records

I love Classic Records reissues with their heavy vinyl etc. But the last 2 I purchased-both from Norah Jones on 200 gram vinyl-have occasional noise in the left channel only. It sounds like splashing and happens for only a second or so, and happens a few times on 1 side only. It doesnot happen on the other sides or my other records. The needle is clean and so is the record. I think it might be damaged. I havent returned it or complained. Any thoughts or similar problems? Thanks.
Sometimes vinyl can be damaged or forms wrong while waiting for packaging. It could have been stored incorrectly and has deformed or warped. Contact Classic Records and see if they have had any similar complaints. It could be a bad batch.
I think if you stick with LPs from the golden age (1945-70) you will find much better pressings with better sound even if they are in less good shape. The idea of a brand new LP is nice, but the art of pressing vinyl is long past.

Norah Jones is classic? Yikes!
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I avoid Classic Records; they are all noisy. I only buy records pressed at RTI; they are always superbly done!