How large is your music collection?

At one time I had about 5000 CDs and I sold them due to the fact that I had no room for them and most of them I didn't listen to at all. In the last few years I add a title to my collection only if it is really good and worthy of multiple listens and the enjoyment value is high. My current collection is less than 1000 for both CD and vinyl.

I've got a friend that has so many CDs, SACDs, LPS, etc. that even if he listened for 8 hours a day he would never repeat the same selection in more than 10 years. To me that just doesn't make sense but it makes him happy so I guess that is what counts.

How about everyone here? Do you add just to add or do you keep your collection, like me, to just the best of the best.
I have about 1000 CD's right now, including DVD-A and SACD.

I'm in the process of downloading as FLAC files, and am purchasing hi-rez music online. Eventually I plan on having the whole collection on hard drive, and only have certain CD's, like the upcoming King Crimson 'In the Court of the Crimson King' boxset as physical media.

Real estate for the collection is getting to be a hassle. Especially since my wife is a Marine, and we move a lot...

AlMarg: 600 LP's; 100 CD's; 80 Cassettes

Thought I'd add a bit of additional info to my previous post:

About 90% classical; 10% rock and miscellaneous.

About 1/3 of the collection consists of either releases from audiophile-oriented smaller labels, or audiophile-oriented remasters of older releases from big labels, or releases from smaller labels which are otherwise known for their high quality. That 1/3 gets listened to the most :)

-- Al
this was a good opportunity to take an inventory - and the total surprises me . . .

~1000 CD's
~800 LP's
Glad to see I'm not the only one with the sickness. Been awhile since I did a total count but if my numbers are correct I'm pushing 10,000 cds. I still remember my first CD (in '84 I think) "Shot Gun Angel" by Daniel Amos. Currently I have just over 72,000 songs loaded on my music server and lots more to load. It would be great just to peak into all the great collections out there.