How many versions do you have?

Dear fellow music lovers,
I was just flicking through my classical cd collection the other morning looking for something to play, every so often I would come across Vivaldi's 4 Seasons, so I thought I would pull them all out and count them, well I have 8 versions (actually 7 really as I have a duplicate), they are;

1.Mutter DG
2.Quintessence label
3.Roberto Michelucci- Phillips (x2)
4.Classical Treasures
5.Jean Pierre Rampal-Sony
6.Nigel Kennedy- EMI
7.Hogwood- L'oiseau-Lyre

What duplicates do you have in your collection?, being audiophiles who I presume would prefer an original cd rather than a burned copy so no burned copies to be included.
Many of many. Probably have a few of the Four Seasons and multiples of many symphonies.

I only have the Mutter. . . stunning fiddle playing, and . . . stylistically utterly bizarre. G.
Guido, I agree, Mutter's style is awesome and has been my favorite violinist for quite awhile now.I think she is one artist where I need to get all of her cd's.
The 'Carmen-Fantasie' cd is incredible and one that loves to be cranked loud.

Kal- I have not looked into my other classical cd's, I think there will be a few duplicates also of all the popular pieces.
May get around to cataloging them all one day.
Gawdbless, Do you have Mutter playing the Sibelius violin concerto under Previn? . . . the opening section where she essentially starts 'sul ponticello' without any vibrato glassy as can be, then slowly moves to her signature full throated passionate vibrato, is veritable goosebumps material. . . and Previn is the last of the old Titans! G.