How many versions do you have?

Dear fellow music lovers,
I was just flicking through my classical cd collection the other morning looking for something to play, every so often I would come across Vivaldi's 4 Seasons, so I thought I would pull them all out and count them, well I have 8 versions (actually 7 really as I have a duplicate), they are;

1.Mutter DG
2.Quintessence label
3.Roberto Michelucci- Phillips (x2)
4.Classical Treasures
5.Jean Pierre Rampal-Sony
6.Nigel Kennedy- EMI
7.Hogwood- L'oiseau-Lyre

What duplicates do you have in your collection?, being audiophiles who I presume would prefer an original cd rather than a burned copy so no burned copies to be included.
Thanks for all your input/replies and the tips on what versions to get.
Happy listening.
I have six versions of Strauss' Four Last Songs (two by Schwarzkopf, the recordings by Fleming, della Casa, Norman, Janowitz with HvK). The first Schwarzkopf version is my favorite although all of them are at least good.
My favorite with the few versions that I have heard of the Strauss 'Four Last Songs' is by Norman, I have not heard the others you mention, but I will check them out, if there is one that possibly tops Norman's version, then I've gotta hear it/buy it.

I like Norman, too. I also like Janowitz and Schwarzkopf. But, if you want to hear a version that is amazingly good and both dramatically and vocally different from that of Norman, find the version by Isokoski. The recording is also quite nice sounding.
Thanks Larryi for your recommendation, now I have checked
the cd by Soile Isokoski on Amazon, I have realized my library has that exact cd, and I have never thought about taking it out or given it any thought, until now that is.
Orft I shall jolly well go at the first opportunity.