Cozi fan Tutti, EMI or Angel Records?

I found two versions of the same recording of the same Mozart Opera, Cosi Fan Tutti. Both version are three disc sets with the libreto, in the same condition and almost the same price. It is the 1965 recording with Karl Bohm conducting and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.

The question is which one should I buy? I have had very positive experience with Angel records but EMI is reputable too.

So what do you think, which should I buy? EMI, Angel, both or none.
Although I don't have and have not heard that particular recording in either edition, I would suggest going with the EMI.

EMI recordings issued in the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's generally had a well-deserved reputation for excellent sonics. A goodly number of them appeared on Harry Pearson's/The Absolute Sound's recommended recordings lists during the early 80's or thereabouts.

Many of their Angel counterparts, however, had a well-deserved reputation in the opposite direction.

Typically, btw, the EMI label was used for releases in Europe, while the Angel label was used for releases in the USA.

-- Al
I have the Angel version. Nothing special as far as audio. Love the performances.
I have many Angel recordings, none are as good as the EMI recordings I have, I would always get the European pressing if I had the choice. This is true of just about every label I am familiar with.