Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder why some artists (individuals or groups) attain success through critical acclaim and/or record (cd) sales?

Here is my list of those who have made it in the recording/entertainment industries and is completely puzzling to me.

Please list your own; it's irrelevant what you think of mine.

OK, here you go (in no particular order):

Sheryl Crow
Norah Jones
Michael Bolton
Celine Dion
Joe Cocker
Manhattan Transfer
Rickie Lee Jones
Phil Collins

That's enough to get started; show me what you got.

In my post I acknowledged that he has a singing voice - I was alluding to the
harmonies. OTOH, even Artie Garfunkel couldn't live off his harmonies for a
decade. I never really appreciated his songs - maybe they deserve another
listen these many years later, but still... I'll take the first Stills solo record,
the early Neil Young solo stuff, Graham Nash's "Songs For Beginner's. You
can keep "If Only I Could Remember My Name".

As to alternate tunings, it's funny, but I always think of Joni and Ritchie
Havens (but not DC) as the pioneers of that approach, I might have to revisit
that one, too. I still suspect that the real reason for his enduring presence is
that he had to have the best drugs.

marty, you've turned me around on this subject. i retract my earlier post and now concur that he's a drug addled ass clown. his solo work does suck. there's less talented people in the biz, but fate is a fickle mistress.
Read one of Crosby's books.

I admire him as a musician/performer but he's basically a self absorbed, ego driven prick.

The most frequently used words in his books are me and I.
i do think that certain guys can only make worthwhile music in the context of a band--when they step out solo, they flail around miserably. look at the solo records from mick jagger, roger waters, clapton, pete townsend, roger mcguinn et. al.--very little is in the same league as the stuff they did with their bands. pride goeth before the fall, i guess.
For the most part I agree with you and would add Paul Rodgers, Ian Hunter, David Lee Roth, Phil Collins (yuk), Burton Cummings to name a few.

However, Clapton has done some exceptional solo stuff IMO.