Does anyone like country

I am just curious as to whether anyone likes country music? I do like some country songs (especially those that lean more towards pop).
all country except todays radio country. 1950-1984 all good country.todays country steel drivers big and rich .whitey ford and the 78's to name a few .
Yes, as Jdoris said, genre descriptions get a little mixed up, but if you like your country with a side order of rock, or your rock with a side of country, one of my favorites are The Bottle Rockets. Saw them last week in NYC. Great show. Give them a listen.
Seconding Geodos on the Bottle Rockets. "Brand New Year" is good fun. Factoid: Brian H., the frontman for the Bottle Rockets, was road manager for Uncle Tupelo. Used to get up on stage and jam with them. On the topic of country-sh St. Louis bands, Nadine's "Downtown Saturday" is not to be missed.

For a completely different direction, try Robinella, "Solace for the Lonely." Very interesting voice -- maybe like a countryfied Billie Holiday.

The Bottle Rockets are Great! A little more Rock than Country.
I saw them open for John Fogerty, never heard them before.
Since that concert I have bought everyone of there CD's.They are kind of hard to find. Amazon has them.
Best CD is 24 Hours a day!
They just came out with a new CD.