How organized are you with your music

How organized are you with your music? Do you keep your CD's and Record in some type of order? Do you keep an electronic inventory?
All of my CDs are stored in binders along with the liner notes. They're arranged alphabetically by artist/band.

I'm creative with how my binders contribute to the decor of the room, too. They're usually laying around in front of the system rack, some open, some closed. The word that comes to mind is "disarray". In this fashion they compliment the room.
About 1500 Lps and 200 Cds.
All are in alphabetical order starting with the first letter. Roland Kirk is "R". The Beatles "B" etc. Lps are in Ikea Expidit shelves (perfect and cheap).
Cds removed from jewel case and placed in case logic sleeves to save on space.
Cds are stored in Ikea boxes which look good and keep dust out.
Organized? Absolutely!

Everyone of my discs are in my house.


I'm a heck of a taker outer, and very bad at being a putter backer.

Consequently, switching into hard drive based music playback has been uh... better. Apart from the 3 or 4 ROM Drives I went through ripping everything.... a few times. Backing up? see putting backer. But I'm backed up now. Definitely!

But I still have a mega changer and will add another.

Same way for DVDs... my latest gig is putting all my top/fav DVDs onto a pair of hard drives. One is a NAS, and it's cool to fire up the laptop and watch a flick or play some music whereever.

Mac.... tex
Do consider ripping those records into 24/96 or better.
by geography....sf, la, northwest, texas, boston, new york, michigan, chicago, sotheast, midwest, germany, etc.
The majority of my CD's (2400+)are in boxes in storage. Everything is ripped to a music server which feeds several squeezeboxes including a highly modified SB2. Organizing, alphabetizing got to be a real PITA. Now, I can find any disc in seconds and don;t have to worry about putting it back. (see above). FYI - my music server, and it's two external laptop drives, is totally silent, cost pennies a day to run and takes up about as much space as the average paper back book.