Sounds better at home

Does anyone else think that mic/pa setups at live events are crappy? We went to see Gary Burton at a well respected jazz theatre here in Pittsburgh and the sound quality - as usual - was disapointing. This hall has two large p/a speakers hanging high on the wall and they almost always eliminate any sense of real acoustics in the hall, even when they're being used sparingly. I've even seen artists - most recently Jimmy Heath - turn the system off after a number or two. Looking for a good acoustic experience, the whole thing is frustrating and in general my system at home sounds better.
Loud usually equates to better in many such settings. In fact many people seem to think volume alone represents quality.

many of these sorts are already experiencing hearing losses and some aren't even aware of it... and it they are, won't admit to it. I'm routinely amazed by some of my friends vanities regarding their vision and hearing issues which are so overtly apparent to everyone else.

Too many upfront positions at too many rock & roll shows I guess.
Grimace: I agree with you 100%. Because of the obnoxiously loud and/or unnecessarily amplified 'live' concerts I have decided to put my money on good recordings instead. I can get a number of excellent CDs for the price of one concert. A well balanced home system beats any and all PA systems. Stay home, save money, hear better, enjoy more.
I know what you mean. A few weeks ago a friend and I went to a local jazz club in Detroit, the legendary Baker`s Keyboard Lounge. This club has excellent sound but for what ever reason they decided to use a speaker system to boost the bass and overall volume. It was bad,it reminded me of large,dry and very loud solid state amp driving mid-Fi speakers meant for sound quanity rather than quality. Such a shame.