The National...losless downloads?

Anyone know where one may buy lossless format downloads of "The National" albums?

I recently got a copy of "Boxer" and cannot stop listening! One of the best new records I have heard in ages.
Singleendedsingle - the iTunes store does offer 256 kbps downloads, called iTunes Plus, which is twice the resolution of the standard downloads, but those are much lower resolution than any lossless file.
Itunes would not work for me, needed wav or flac which the site Bwp sent me to had both. Thanks much!
great band, neat being from the same city as these guys when they started, check out their earlier ablum Cherry Tree for an awesome version of All The Wine
where are you from fightingwords? aren't those guys from cincinnati originally? i will check out cherry tree, thanks! i have boxer and sad songs for dirty lovers and there is not a bad song on either. my wife is about ready to shove them down my throat...or elsewhere....they are in heavy rotation to say the least. i am on the list at the library for alligator too so will have it shortly.

they rose fast, happy for them. someone at google must like them too, have you seen the google ad about the concert?
yeah, I'm from Cincinnati. I remember them putting out Alligator and thinking, "these guys might break it big," and then not much later they're on Letterman and have a song in a Democratic campaign ad.

I think Alligator is their most focused effort, but I really cant say I like any album more than the other.

Cherry Tree is a unique album because its a pretty intimate showing, and a really interesting document in terms of seeing were theyve come from. It's not my favorite, but it does have my favorite song, "Wasp's Nest", on it.