Name your lame duck artist........

What artist do you put above all others in terms of lack of talent but somehow has achieved success?

For me Madonna has to be the queen of mediocrity (mediocre being a compliment in this case) - can't sing or act and what's with the fake english accent after living there a whole two years.
And don't get me going with all these new female jazz "singers" with that vomit inducing vibratoless whisper that seems to have become mandatory in that genre today......Jones clones.
Wow Chashmal, for once we see eye-to-eye. :)

PS: I think the "God-awful Poets" would be a great name for a band! There, you score two points on the Bongometer.

At this rate, I figure, by May, you will be loving hip-hop as much as DMob, TT and myself.
Beyonce: "Jay-Z, I am leaving you for someone I met on the internet."
HOVA: "Who is this mysterious Mac Daddy? That mutha is looking for a cap in his brain."