Name your lame duck artist........

What artist do you put above all others in terms of lack of talent but somehow has achieved success?

For me Madonna has to be the queen of mediocrity (mediocre being a compliment in this case) - can't sing or act and what's with the fake english accent after living there a whole two years.
And don't get me going with all these new female jazz "singers" with that vomit inducing vibratoless whisper that seems to have become mandatory in that genre today......Jones clones.
TT: I like the old growth Yew forest next to the monk rehab hospital. I am five generations removed here in America but the family name is still found in town. Visited last year.
I love Kelly's Bar in Belfast. Good take-away at Thai Tantic, and Foo Kin Noodles, on the south side of town.


Ah Kelly's - Bongo, you are making me homesick, you have actually been in my old watering hole, god, it's a small world. I love the pub culture back home with all the non-stop banter that goes along with it and I never realized how much we really do drink back there until I left and got among normal people out here.
Things are changing for the better too re. the troubles.
Have you been reading about Mrs Robinson? Google "Mrs Robinson" for a giggle - amazing that a a shag on the side could (and is) bring a country to its knees.
When I lived there. around the time for last orders more often than not, the bar would turn into a scene from an old John Wayne movie with fists and bar stools flying everywhere. Glad to say things have mellowed out a bit now.
Related story - when I was at university I was dating an aristocrat and being working class ( but pretending not to be) I brought her to Belfast and checked into the Europa Hotel, Belfast's top hotel at the time to impress her. The hotel is right opposite the oldest bar in Belfast (possibly Ireland) and It was my regular. She was very excited to see the inside of the bar and get a glimpse of my background so we got showered and dressed and crossed the road to go in. Just at that moment the windows came crashing out and a huge brawl emptied out into the street, bar staff in aprons with sleeves rolled up and fists flying like windmills, there were probably fifty people involved. My cover was blown.