To paraphrase:
Why do SACDs sell for $30 and royalties are $1?
If that's true or even slanted towards truth more than less, it's a simple answer... Avarice. Plain and simple greed.
The only format I've not actually heard played back on a decent outfit is DVDA. As with any other silver disc, in which ever format, some are great and some are not. Those which are in fact, become as apparent as day or night.... those which aren't, well, wont.
.....and why I said just that in my previous comments. Formats with far greater numbers alone in their composition of bits, lands and grooves, are not the lock on great listening. It simply has the potential to be great.
Remember the initial slew of CDs? Here you go folks, the best thing since the automobile is now available! It's all digital! No errors! Compact! And soon hereafter, the prices will go sharply down by way of affordability! So simply re-buy all your favs in this new near indistructable format and reap the benefits of the new digital age of audio at its best!.
Little there was or is the truth and simple CDs were double the cost of LPs at the onset. The cost only went down by proxy via a class action suit and those results too were not well published... but I did get a check for $20! spread that over a thousand CDs and prices did go down! Now new releases are going back up again.
Chalk it up to Bomonomics!
Who pays $30 for SACDs?
Anyone who buys them online from Mobile Fidelity, Telarc,etc. Even some std CD in better (?) recording processes like Gold, or XR CD run close to that amount... again, online, at many outlets.
I'll journey into high res world on the heels of my personal confuser, and rip them initially at loftier rates or just buy downloads already done for me at those rates or greater... if they are what I want to begin with.... individually or as the complete work.
This attitude in and of itself may account some for the upwardly spiraling prices for ready rolled CDs these days, beats me. But todays no different than any other. Its faster now and the worlds smaller, but the same devices which drove the recording market and industry years ago still have their hands on the wheels. Only the cosmetics have changed.
Done well, the 24/96 (DVD) or 32/105 (SACD) do sound way good though.. but largely depends on the source and disc itself.... as with any other playback system, analog or digital. Listening side by side, RB to SACD, with both disc and source up to par, the choice will be obvious for the SACD version.
Now there's BR. The potetial for better is improved upon yet again... BUT what about SS discs? things the size of a dime could be coming along pretty soon.
I'm hoping for Marbles instead but solid state sticks of chewing gum might soon litter containers in the book shelf area where CD cases and albums once stood. No motors, and no lasers, with bit perfect playback! at that point ONLY the playback system will bare the burden of how great the fidelity actually will be.... just don't count on lower prices for it though. That just isn't in the cards I've been reading.