Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?

I saw the Black Eyed Peas in PA last night and all I can say is WOW. The whole production was over the top with a futuristic Science Fiction vibe. The music was like no other with so many influences its hard to classify as any one style.
The bottom end literally moved my hair and clothes.
The audience was a wide variety of fans. Many parents brought their children, 10,11 years old. The crowd was white, black, Asian, young, old (me) and happy.
I recommend you go see this show when the opportunity presents itself. It is history in the making.
agree with bill....donna summer or carol douglas had 'more' going on on a bad day.

Is that Carol "Doctor's Orders" Douglas or Carl "Kung Fu Fighting" Douglas?
don't get the Fergie attraction-, she probably has more plastics in her face than I have on my turntable.
"don't get the Fergie attraction"??

Let's see... she's hot, she can dance, she sings good enough and she's hot. What's a girl got to do to get appreciated around here?
"she's hot, she can dance, she sings good enough and she's hot"

that about covers it.


case closed.