Cowboy Junkies junky needs to expand

Hey there 'Goners

H, my name is Andrew and I'm a Junkies-aholic. I need a little support from the group if you could be so kind. As a confirmed though never-to-recover Cowboy Junkies fan, I too often find the CJ's playing. My GF is gonna hijack my CD's and my iPod soon and do a little shuffling of her own. Without the thread going too far off course or getting too far from my professed comfort zone, any suggestions on expanding my musical horizons?

Thanks much!
I'll second the Over the Rhine recommendation - get the "Ohio" album (available on vinyl from their website) you won't regret it!
Also, Madeleine Payroux's latest "Bare Bones" is excellent, she has many of those same smoky qualities to her voice as our beloved Margo.
I'll second the Over the Rhine recommendation - get the "Ohio" album (available on vinyl from their website) you won't regret it!

Absolutely..."Ohio" is great. Also by them, if you can find it (some used copies are at the link), "Good Dog, Bad Dog" is outstanding!
Hey ‘Goners

Thanks so much for the response. Keep ‘em coming. Gonna get into a deep sample session this weekend and discover.

Sorry to not clarify from the get-go. I do listen to Pandora and many of your suggestions of artist “validate” my good taste in music J. Also great sources….
Radio Paradise

My close seconds heavily rotated as well are:
Crooked Still
The Be Good Tanya’s (agree MUCH better than the not bad themselves Po’ Girl)
Emmy Lou

Oh, and then there’s the guy side of things.
M Ward (fave of the male artists)
Lee Harvey Osmond (on Latent Records, Junkies home-grown label)
Iron & Wine

I guess I like my music a little on the dark side. Deep as a well, richly layered, complex while simple in musicality and of course distinct in its vocals. When I listen, its usually later in the day into the night so this genre suits me. Mix in a bit of new and classic jazz too. Prior to this, I’ve got a whole other set of “playlists” for say…..driving….cooking…eating….working….etc. Buts that’s a whole ‘nother thread or threads.

Thanks again!!!!!!

PS…..forgot to mention ABBA. Thanks much Mtl10425. Glad you are a big fan too. They are just so awesome….the end all of music. I kicked myself for forgetting about them. Gonna go get some right now and put it on.