Jimi Hendrix- Valley's of Neptune

I just read about this new Hendrix recording in Stereophile. They gave it a high rating of 4 for sonics and material. Has anyone heard it and does it sound good?

Stereophile has a whole seperate article on Jimi Hendrix's ammassed recordings and storage of them, a very interesting article to read.Essentially, Hendrix was in his studio recording non stop between tours.
What's surprising is that it got a great review from anybody! I'm a HUGE Hendrix fan and have been one since the beginning (late 60's). I've read a lot about this release and although it's selling well (which speaks volumes)I think the general consensus is that it's sub-par. The fact is Hendrix was a studio hound but he was also a perfectionist, he released what HE felt was worthy, and if it wasn't released it's because HE felt it wasn't good enough. Based on the majority of what's come out since his passing it's clear that he knew what he was talking about. There's been very few posthumous releases (mostly live; BBC sessions/ complete Band of Gypsies/Fillmore set) worthy of the Hendrix legacy. I think it's great that there's still a hunger for Jimi's music, but it's clear that the well's gone dry!