The Sound or Music

I listen to all genres of music but really enjoy it with good sound. I know of people who just love one particular type of music but don't care at all about audio. My late relative just loved classical music and had hundreds of good records but his system was like bad transistor radio. He had means but was not interested in better system at all. Music, for him was 99.9% and sound 0.1% of the pleasure. He was most likely missing half of instruments of orchestral music, he listened to - either by limited frequency response or very poor resolution. He was a music lover. Am I a music lover or just only an audio freak?
What about you?
I love music, that's why I have a stereo at all.

But, I realize that music exists so that I can test my stereo, and continually try to make it better.

I wonder what a new DAC would sound like, and how 2 smaller subs would compare to one big one, oh yeah, I've always wanted to try a linear tracking arm, that TransFi Terminator 3 looks good, you know I love my VPI Classic, but I grew up near where they make Sota tables, so maybe I should try one of those...........

Oh yeah, I like music too.
Once upon a time, like Elizabeth,s relative, I enjoyed good music from whatever source it emanated. This was before I discovered "The high end".
"How you gonna keep'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree"?
Now, I am absolutely positively astounded at the sound of those records I bought over 30 years ago. As much as I like variety, I hate bad sound. I would have to take the 300 and go crazy shortly there after.
Relative was mine (I don't share him). There might be more than one reason for him to enjoy orchestral music on poor system. One reason I mentioned is love of music that made him blind to a sound but the other is modesty. I see people like that all around sitting whole days at work on horrible wooden chars even if change is easy. They take whatever live brings - just the type of personality.

We're not talking about not listening to Duke Ellington at all but rather opting for better soundwise recording of the same composition.

Listening to Ipod on the trip to Mexico is fine but try to imagine that this is your only system forever. My relative wouldn't mind.
Kijanki, I don't think you are an audio freak. I think you are a music lover who is trying to get his audio up to a very high level. Once you have accomplished this you will enjoy your music a lot more. Audio freaks are on a never ending quest.
Orpheus10 - It is never ending quest for me too (to a point) but I don't have GAS (Gear Acquire Syndrom).