Robert Johnson's records mastered at wrong speed?

Experts say Robert Johnson's classic blues records all mastered at wrong speed - took 50 years to figure it out.... Anyone glad to hear he's not really a chipmunk?
Now Columbia/CBS/Sony or whoever owns those masters now can re-sell them again !I think we should get some rebate or exchange-you can see it now..."the REAL Robert Johnson"
I was fortunate to have known and recorded,both live and in the studio,the late great Bluesmaster Johnny Shines.Shines was a "running partner" of Johnson's in the 1930's and he taught Johnny his repertoire,which Shines performed throughout his career.The "slowed down" versions of these Johnson recordings were dead on to the Johnny Shines versions i recorded in the early 1970's.Now we have to check and see if any of the Jackson Pollack's are actually upside down.
I hope this turns out to be true. Still two different recording sessions and was only Robert Johnson sped up? My general skepticism give me pause......

I go in and out of country blues phases, and though I have the 2 LPs and the CD box, I've never been a RJ fan. Much to my damnation and derision from fellow blues fans. Maybe the record speed explains they high-pitched hokum of "They're Red Hot." Maybe there was an innate audio reason for my keeping RJ at arms length? In any case, if it is true I'll buy the remastered set and listen to the "new" Robert Johnson.

I wonder if they slowed down Barbecue Bob on his 78's?

Was not familiar with Johnny Shines - thanks for the info. So I read that his 40's and 50's recordings were never released? Wonder what became of them? Where can I find your recording of shines - label? Thanks