Recommended acoustic recordings

My system is modest but excels with voices, solo instruments, and small ensembles. With that in mind, what Jazz, folk, or classical SACD/high-resolution discs would you recommend as among your favorites?
Muddy Waters: Folk Singer- SACD
Buddy Guy and Junior Wells: Alone and Acoustic
Crosby and Nash: Another Stoney Evening
Neil Young: Live at Massey Hall
All three of the Tone Poems at Acoustic Disks (

Acoustic Disks is chock full of great Acoustic music:
I recommend everything by Jerry Garcia, Martin Taylor and Doc Watson among many others here.
Charles Lloyd- Sangam on the ECM Label. Small Jazz combo that is sonically and musically astonishing. First rate recording!!Get this now.
You might try (sorry, not SACD):

Cat Power- Jukebox
Jose Gonzalez
Lisa Ekdahl- Back to Earth
Beck- Sea Change
M. Ward - Post War

These are more contemporary offerings, but you may find some of them interesting.