New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Well, if you put it that way.....

Glad to get that straightened out because I thought it was a decidedly better than the average r'n'r cd. It appears that I sorely needed to be disabused of that misperception. It being based on my piddling 5,000 or so r'n'r cd collection which I naively use for context. Of course, I also thought that this was a matter of opinion, but I guess I'm mistaken on more than one front.

Thankfully, I learned the truth before it was too late.

Well another 2,000+ and you exit the piddling and enter the serious.

Good luck to you.
I'm sure Bill's right. His declaration of the relative quality of this recording is unassailable based on the difference between the 7,000 recordings he cites and the 5,000 I referenced. Who could argue with that? He is clearly 2,000 more qualified to pass judgement than I am.

No attempt to piss on (or off) anyone. I'm merely pointing out that a delta in the size of the database does not change Bill's opinion into fact. Do you seriously believe that this difference in opinion is based on the fact that, buried within those additional 2,000 recordings lies wisdom revealed to Bill but not to those with less than his mighty 7,000 recording collection?

Maybe you do. OTOH, I suspect that - as is so often the case - Bill states his opinion as fact because that is simply what he does.

My leg feels nice and dry.

You know what - My apologies to all. Specifically Bill. I'll feil (sorry!) this one under: Agree to Disagree.
