New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
You know what - My apologies to all. Specifically Bill. I'll feil (sorry!) this one under: Agree to Disagree.

My responses to Marty and Shadorne are over the top.

Please ignore idiot me.

To the gallows.......
FWIW - you do have to crank Mojo to get the goods! The benefit of the better dynamic range is lost if you don't turn it up.

This, "MOJO" represents a unexplored direction for this band.

In my opinion, they "Nailed" it!

This is more of a blues experiment, and to say that it is in anyway a failure, is to completely. "miss the point".

TP Rocks!!!!
My dear coleslaw
Actually it's you who missed the point.
I like the material.
The recording is average.
Let's brush up on those reading comprehension skills.