New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
FWIW - you do have to crank Mojo to get the goods! The benefit of the better dynamic range is lost if you don't turn it up.

This, "MOJO" represents a unexplored direction for this band.

In my opinion, they "Nailed" it!

This is more of a blues experiment, and to say that it is in anyway a failure, is to completely. "miss the point".

TP Rocks!!!!
My dear coleslaw
Actually it's you who missed the point.
I like the material.
The recording is average.
Let's brush up on those reading comprehension skills.
At least TP did not issue a hip hop album. I would be the ONLY person on Gon thinking that was great.
Audiofeil: I believe that while it isn't superb, Mojo is definitely an above average to excellent recording/vinyl mastering--at least by today's standards. Go back thirty years or more, and lots of albums sounded as good or better. Are you saying that Mojo is merely an average recording compared to other recently released mainstream rock records from the past few years?