New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Regarding the Mojo BD, dynamics are similar to Tom Waits Heart Attack and Vine CD. Recordings of such high quality are extremely rare these days.

Some may not like the "live" sound - so opinions can vary - no doubt some will hate it.

Although, it may not make the demo shortlist purely because it lacks careful manipulation, reverb, overdubs etc. It is a very "honest" recording and sounds about as realistic as it gets.

As a recording that sounds like the band actually does sound (when playing live) - this is recording is definitely exceptional.
regarding the no rap thing, if you listen to most of Dr.Dre's production work with Eminim, the slight musical nuances that build up in the background you would be very impressed. I suggest the Marshal Matthews LP to start, listen to whats going on behind the vocals.
I can also suggest you try The Nappy Roots catalog, very musical.
Your missing out on a lot of great stuff, Beastie Boys etc but hey, it's your record collection, not mine.
If Rap didn't have vocals and the dreadful thump, thump, thump it might be tolerable.
>>07-26-10: Rwwear
If Rap didn't have vocals and the dreadful thump, thump, thump it might be tolerable<<


There would be dead silence in that case.

Infinitely more enjoyable than listening to current and future criminals shucking and jiving.

Thump thump.