"Dead Can Dance", what is your impression?

When I heard "Spirit Chaser", I pictured some unknown jungle tribe chanting in a strange tongue as they moved to the beat of huge animal skin drums around a roaring fire in the middle of the night. To complete this picture, there were odd critter sounds in the background. Listen to "Dead Can Dance", and let your imagination run wild. Tell us what you see.
I was listening to that one the other night. It was one of the most relaxing listening experiences I've had in a while. One of those recordings that gets better with each listen.

Try "Into the Labyrinth" - the best of their CDs I think...
Five years ago I would have agreed with this. After listening more thoroughly my favorite is "Spleen And Ideal" followed by "Spriritchaser."
Echo that!

I love 'em and have set as a favorite station on Pandora and ipod as well. Saw 'em live in mid 90s in CA, totally cool. Female vocal/lyrics at times are in foreign sounding language, but it seems its just a made-up language. At times I find their music quite calming, meditative, thought provoking. I guess I am saying - I am a big fan!
Check out "Toward The Within, a live concert recording which is available as both an audio only CD/SACD and as a DVD video.