Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..

Wow what a low period for vocal pop groups...have you ever heard any live Stone ROses, Happy Mondays, or CHaralatans from this era? THese guys literally cant carry a tune...they must be tone teaf i suppose...but ironically some of the lps sound decent...must be studio trickery ala J.Leckie...ha....
i don't think of the charlatans/ stone roses/ happy mondays as "vocal pop" groups. they fit more clearly into the "madchester" dancey/psychedlic groove thing--they're more about rhythm and sound than they are about concise pop songs and tight vocals. some of their contemporaries, like blur/oasis/pulp were more song oriented and had strong lead vocalists--i think they're failure to acheive in the us the same godlike status they enjoyed in uk is more a function of the brit accents and parochial subject matter, although oasis did sell a ton of records here.
Perhaps it the way boys from the wrong side of the pennines can't speak or sing, and I use the word 'sing' loosely as to what HRH would approve of,lol.............
Phase, you maybe waiting a long time for lead singers to have
singing lessons, when bands start out they hardly enough for food and ciggies!
I say forget the vocal talent, and just sit back and enjoy.
I mean how many people love Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, and Mark ( call that a tuneful voice?) Knopfler.
Hope you don't start knocking punk bands,lol!

The manc accent is the one in the coat,lol...........
As David Byrne once said "i dont trust singers that hit every note"...but as I was perusing youtube and walking down memory lane as I went to school in the UK in the early I must have been on a ton of drugs to listen to this stuff live...its kind of dissapointing really...although the level of muscianship is quite good...the vocals are definitely the weak for punk bands...Johnny Rotten and Joe Strummer were great "anti-singers" in the best sense...and early Oasis(94) Liam just kills...great vox...