What's the objection to Floor Standing Speakers?

Why do, and its generally women, prefer bookshelf speakers over floor standing EVEN if the bookshelf is going on the floor on a stand, thereby taking up almost EXACTLY the same space in the room?
I've always been amazed at this--two speakers, identical in width and depth, with only height as the differential, are presented to the fair lady, who instantly picks the bookshelf WITH stands, making it occupy the EXACT SAME KILL ZONE FLOOR TO CEILING AS THE FLOORSTANDER.
Why is this--when price is not the determining factor--of course given a price difference which IS meaningful, the answer is obvious, but when NOT--WHY?
Seeking opinions to this very old question that plagues the industry and allows Bose Lifestyles to still breathe our precious air.

My wife wanted me to get whatever I wanted just so I'd shut up about wanting new speakers. At first she hated the look of the Focal Chorus V series speakers, but once she saw them in black she was ok with the look. For some reason the V shape of the grill didn't work for her when it was in contrast to the color of the cabinets.

I had her stop by the store to choose the color and to also listen to the 816v vs. the 836v to help make the choice. She told me to get the bigger ones because she knew I'd be happier with them.

In the spirit of this thread, she'd prefer to never see any audio equipment at all but does enjoy listening to it.
Tiggerfc - You just have not found the right person. I have a friend that proclaimed many things as a single guy and then it happened, he met the right girl. I've never met a single guy that was over 40 that I really wanted to be. You get to a point in life where being single is really nothing more than being alone. Now back to the scheduled discussion.
As someone who moves around a lot, it it is simply easier to box up my monitors and safely transport them to my next location than a pair of 100 pound floor-standers are. They are also easier to keep clean and ding free.

Consider also that those who want the deeper bass extension might get better control with a separate sub that they can place where they need in the room and dial the crossover appropriately.
kind of like driving a car with you penis on the hood--more a statement of grandure rather than the practicality of actual usage. Most bookshelves work better.