Please help identify song

I sure would appreciate it if someone could tell me who the artist is or the name of the CD that was playing in the Sanders room at the 2010 RMAF. Audiogon Arnie did a rather decent job of capturing the sound of some of the systems playing in various rooms and this version of Heart Break Hotel captured my ear because or the outstanding guitar solo. I'd really like to add this to my collection if I could just find out who it is. So if anyone has the time, at the bottom of Audiogon's main page, if you click on RAMF 2010, then at the bottom of that page click on Find a Company, to the bottom click "S", and on Sanders Sound Systems page you'll find a Sound Sample. Hopefully someone out there knows. Much appreciated.
The voice sounds like George Thorogood but the guitar is way to clean.
Sorry, lost my header there. Meant to say that the guitar sounds like Tommy Emmanuel, but I'm not sure if that's his speaking voice.