Music that really stirs your emotions

ok, I know all music is suppose to stir your emotions . . . but stick with me.

I put the original Boz Scaggs album on the TT this morning. This has always been one of my favorites - I played it constantly while in college in the mid-70's, but haven't listened to it in over a year. Side 2 is one of the best album sides aver recorded IMO - the sequence of songs is perfect. Anyway, It's unavoidable to get sucked into "Loan me a Dime" from the beginning (foot tapping, head bobbing, etc), but about 3/4's of the way through Duane Allman's solo I begin to giggle uncontrollably. Then after all that, it goes into "Sweet Release", which really does help release all that energy from the prior track.

What music most stirs emotions for you - whether it's giggling, crying, or ?
thats almost as hard as picking the girl you would want to make love to before you leave this mortal earth. But I will take a stab at it...the love duet from Othelo. love duet between silvio and Needa from the opera pagliacci. All of Richard Strauss tone poems and the dance of the seven veils..and i know most people will say what! ..its the music from the credits of the old tv show the "Honeymooners"..the song is called your my only love. There's more but it would take to many pages to fill.
Mahler is gut wrenching.

Symphony # 3 in particular bends me out of shape whenever I listen.

I would guess that the musical Les Miserable has an effect on most.
my first automatic thought is..Regina Carter "Paganini: after a dream" she records/plays Paganini's owned violin!! Why so good is this performance? Just Regina...the much emotion played through this instrument....a combination, an unexplained beauty in life!!
mapman, Mahler scares me...but yet, I keep coming back for more!. I'm a glutten for punishment! He makes me check my doors at night!! Im getting another pit bull!
I'm a lyrics guy, and a real sucker for sentimental songs about family ties - especially (but not exclusively) if they're set at the holidays. The full-on country treatment usually gets TOO schmaltzy, but a few that go a different way to great effect:

Waitin' On a Train - Bottlerockets. Stopped in a broken down car at a RR crossing, the singer laments the loss of a relationship with his son due to divorce and his wife's remarriage, as well the inability to seek his dad's advice because he lost his life to alcoholism. Artfully done and a very effective tear jerker, although the verse works much better than the chorus IMHO.

The Christians and The Pagans - Dar Williams. A family reunion strained by a fallen away neice and her daughter (the pagans) visiting her practicing uncle and his family (the Christians) at Christmas. Wonderful wordplay and great sense of detail.

Merry Christmas From The Family - RE Keene. Another one about family holiday gatherings, this time with a more standard issue Texas family and played for comedy. Also well observed detail.

I suspect that I'd be in real trouble with the Christmas songs if I were actually Christian.

