Best Keith Jarrett records

I've heard bits and pieces of his music and performances here and there and would love to own some of it on vinyl. There are many used KJ records at my local record store, but I wouldn't know where to begin. I'd like to ask for your opinions on what you consider best among Keith Jarrett records. Thanks!
I've been listening intently to KJ now for well over 35 years and have most of his recordings. The Koln Concert is what really put him (and ECM I would argue) on the map, and an essential recording. My Songs is another wonderful recording from that period.

When it comes to "standards", Jarrett really shines, solo, w/ his trio or w/ friends (his recent recording w/ C. Haden, Jasmine, is a delight), as he brings a touch to the piano w/ a sense of minimalism that cuts to the core of each piece. Sublime. His recording of a year or so ago, Paris/London, is a wonderful example.

My personal favorite over time, as I keep coming back to it, probably is The Melody at Night with You. 10+ years later this still brings tears to my eyes...
add the charles lloyd quartet ((with jarrett)..'Soundtrack' was their Abbey Road
WARNING - Don't buy too many at once if you are sensitive to performers moaning unmusically on their recordings. By unmisically I mean nowhere near the key they're playing nor in time of the music. Just random, dissonent vocal moaning. It adds no value to the music, just a distraction, especially if listening on headphones.

That said, I think he is supremely talented and I do enjoy his music very much. But sometimes this habit of moaning gets on my nerves and ruins the music for me. But only sometimes.

My two favorite recordings of his are Koln Concert and Tokyo Live.
What Rockadanny and Marakanetz are referring to is that Keith moans as if he is in pain while he plays. This moaning is more prominent on some recordings and less on others.

The moaning keeps me away from most of his albums but obviously other people are more tolerant of it. Maybe posters could give an idea of the amount of moaning on the albums they are recommending.