heavy metal

Just wanted to mention that "The Sword" is a great metal band from austin. I love all their output
Man I forgot about this older thread. Thanks Velocityofhue for reviving it. I'm finding additional metal to check out.

On the train I heard a guy playing some metal because of his cruddy earbuds. After telling him to check out a pair of Sony MDR V6 headphones for listening on the train he let me know the metal he was listening too.

Breakdown of Sanity - Blind


Breakdown of Sanity - When Silence Breaks


They are pretty intense. Vocals took some getting used to for me though.
Thank you for reviving this thread! I missed it when it was originally posted. I think The Sword is awesome. I don't dig the fantasy themes in general, and especially in heavy metal, but the music speaks for itself and it just connects. I was very happy to find that "Apocryphon" was available on vinyl. The album is on its way to me as we speak. "Warp Riders" is next.
Really digging the Black Sabbath '13' disc.

Same here! I think it's a pretty solid effort. I have the LP and it sounds good.