heavy metal

Just wanted to mention that "The Sword" is a great metal band from austin. I love all their output
Manowar.......are they still alive? I used to listen to them. They might be the first metal band ever.
"High on fire" now thats good stuff Fujindemon, I actually caught them live at a session they recorded to vinyl recently in nyc. I will eventually cave in and get both volumes they made out of the performances. Facemelting and in prime playing form

Thanks for the list have to check some of those guys out.
Man I forgot about this older thread. Thanks Velocityofhue for reviving it. I'm finding additional metal to check out.

On the train I heard a guy playing some metal because of his cruddy earbuds. After telling him to check out a pair of Sony MDR V6 headphones for listening on the train he let me know the metal he was listening too.

Breakdown of Sanity - Blind


Breakdown of Sanity - When Silence Breaks


They are pretty intense. Vocals took some getting used to for me though.